Run your entire business from one
independent, unbiased source of truth.



Make smart decisions with confidence
based on our AI recommendations.



Put our predictions to the test and deliver consistent, predictable growth.


All Your Data in One Place

You rely on data to make decisions, but who has the time to log in daily to a dozen different platforms?
Google Analytics, Shopify, Amazon, advertising platforms, email, SMS, and more.

You need all your data in one place to make informed decisions in real-time and lead your brand to success.

One Dashboard to Run Your Entire Business

Spot Problems and Opportunities

Get More Insight Without Leaving Your Dashboard

Drill Down Into Any Aspect of Your Brand

One Analytics Platform to Run Your Whole Business

You rely on data to make decisions, but who has the time to log in daily to a dozen different platforms?

You need all your data in one place to make informed decisions in real time and lead your brand to success.

Stop trying to outspend your competition. Start outsmarting them instead.

Trust the Data that Drives Your Decisions

Over 70% of brands don’t trust the data they use to make decisions, and rightfully so.

Quality decisions start with quality data.

Marketing attribution


An Independent Source to Reliably Analyze Channel Performance

When a customer sees an ad, opens an email, clicks on an SMS and buys something, the three platforms claim 100% of the credit for that sale.

You need a reliable way to see how much each step influenced the buying decision, so you can optimally allocate your budget across all your marketing channels.


Customer Tracking Across All Channels and Devices

Delivering a relevant marketing message requires knowing what your customers do on all their devices and across all platforms: the pages they viewed, the ads they clicked and the emails they read.

You need to connect the dots. Unify all customer activity into a single profile to see the full picture. Better segmentation and personalization lead to more sales.


Compliant First-Party Tracking to Better Understand Your Customers

We’re in the age of ad-blockers, iOS14-17, GDPR, CCPA, and the death of third-party cookies. The old data collection methods are obsolete at worst and inaccurate at best.

You need a robust first-party, privacy-compliant data collection solution to understand your customers and give them exactly what they want, when they want it.


A Single Source of Truth to Make The Right Decisions with Confidence

Why is your revenue in Google Analytics different than in Shopify? When data sources don’t match, your teams spend their time figuring out why instead of making data-driven decisions.

When you have a single source of truth you trust, you’re confident you’re making the right decisions to outsmart your competition and grow consistently every quarter.

Focus on What Actually Matters

Your job is to identify what’s working and what isn’t, and to take action on it. It’s simple, but not easy.

When you have over 20,000 data points a day, spotting the five most important things to focus on is like finding a needle in a haystack.

No matter how smart you are, no human can find the top insights they need as quickly as they need them.

Our AI technology scans all your data and helps you identify the top problems and opportunities to prioritize.

Effectiveness is doing things right. Success is doing the right things. We help you identify the top priorities so every minute you invest in your business impacts your bottom line.

Focus on What Really Matters
Let Your Data Show You the Way

Let Your Data Show You the Way

Our AI-powered media mix modeling technology analyzes all your marketing channels, promotions, seasonality and over 100 other factors, and it shows you how much each marketing activity has contributed to each sale. It even predicts how different decisions will impact future results.

When you act on a recommendation, we track how the prediction compares to the actual performance, and fine-tune the AI model so it gets increasingly accurate over time.

When you know, with over 90% certainty, the expected outcome of every action you take, you create predictable, reliable growth. You know exactly how to allocate your media spend, what creatives work, and what audiences bite.

Lift tests, also known as incrementality tests, allow you to validate the AI predictions in the real world through carefully designed experiments, relying on the source of truth (i.e. ecommerce sales) rather than what advertising platforms take credit for.

Don’t let platforms grade their own homework. You need an unbiased source of truth to evaluate their performance.

Let Your Data Show You the Way

Set Up Your Teams for Success

When your teams have access to an intuitive platform that shows them what works and what doesn’t, they produce better work.

When they have a window into other channels, they can they can draw inspiration from the successes of other teams.

When they can see how their work contributes to the business objectives, they become invested in your success.

Give your people the intel they need to be the best at what they do.

Set Up Your Teams for Success

Helping Brands Grow the Smart Way Since 2002

We’re a team of data scientists specialized in ecommerce. We developed a proprietary analytics platform and a proven framework to consistently turn data into actionable insights, helping more than 100 brands grow at record rates for over 20 years.

Learn more about our Platform, our Process, and our People.


How Advertising Platforms Are Misleading Marketers

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Top Ecommerce Metrics